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NZC: external CD burner

Since there's more experience on this list with burning CDs than anybody 
else I could possibly ask, I'm wondering, if you were going to buy an 
external CD burner (USB port), which would you buy? I've seen Plextors 
(most expensive that I've seen), Iomega, Cendyne, and a bunch of others. 
Since I only have a laptop and have already burned out one burner in 
this thing and had to have it replaced, I'd like to get an external 
plug-in burner. Would be nice too since where I work they are still in 
the dark ages and we don't have CD burners.....try preparing powerpoint 
presentations for lectures that are 20+ MB in size and not having any 
way to get them off your computer! (No we don't have zip either....I 
bring mine in from home to transfer).

So anybody have any info on external burners? Most say USB 2.0.....which 
I don't have....can you use them with the older USB ports? (And my 
computer is less than a year old and already outdated!)

Any info appreciated!