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Hello Badgeholders and Admin list people-

this is a call for commitee volunteers. We need three volunteers to serve
for a 4 month term, beginning on November 1, 2001, and ending at midnight
on the evening of February 28, 2002.

Being a committee member basically entails keeping an eye on posts,
privately letting people know when they have broken rules as laid out in
the charter. The charter defines a committee member as "a body made up of
3 to 7 members that is authorized to enforce the mailing list's written
policies, and authorized to instruct the List Administrator to take
disciplinary action. The Committee is not authorized to interpret policy
based on any criteria other than those outlined in this charter. The
Committee is not authorized to ignore, modify, or add to any policy. The
Committee has no authority over itself or its operation; that power
resides with the Members."

As a committee member you must be familiar with the current FBO charter
which can be viewed at http://www.olkil.demon.co.uk/fbo/charter.html

You will also be required to be subscribed to the FBO ADMIN list.

The FBO Admin list exists for the purpose of discussing FBO administration
issues, e.g., committee activities, committee appointments, charter
modifications, technical problems etc. To subscribe to the Admin list,
send an email to <listserv@xxxxxxxx> with the following text in the body
of the email:

subscribe admin Firstname Lastname

When you subscribe, you will receive an email telling you how to send
messages to the list, how to set your options, how to unsubscribe etc.

All FBO members are welcome to join the admin list regardless if they
ever were, are, interested, or not interested in being a committee member.

The three outgoing committee members are as follows:

Shar Weiser <weiser@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Jeff Roy <jeffroy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
M. Tompkins <mmglass@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

All three have done a fantastic job as members of the commitee, and all
three are ineligible for the next four month term. However, after this
term ends on February 28, 2002, all three are re-eligible to volunteer for
the committee if they so choose for the next committee's term which begins
on March 1, 2002.

If you have any questions about being a committee member, please feel free
to inquire with one of the people above, or myself, Bruce Deerhake, or Bob
Rood, the admins of FBO, all six of us would be happy to answer any
questions you may have.

Being a committee member is not usually a huge time committment, although
once in a great while a crisis will arise that will temporarily add an
extra 10 minutes to your day for a week :)


Bob Rood        mirader@xxxxxxxx
Bruce Deerhake  buckeye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jeremy Mixer    mixer@xxxxxxxx

Administrators, "For Badgeholders Only" the Led Zeppelin Mailing List