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Re: Best Post Zep?

"Humphries, Stephen" wrote:

> Nice to see a couple of glasses raised for "Walking Into Clarksdale" on this
> list.
> Nech, mate, maybe it's just a matter of differing tastes? Some people like
> the album and some don't. Plant and Page were beaming with unfaked pride
> when they were doing interviews to promote the album.

Hey everyone has their own opinions & tastes. Don't get me wrong.....I'm not mad
at WIC for it now "rawking" and looking for a continuation of that Zeppelin
thing (as so many of you seem to think) It *IMHO* is just a mediocre album that
seems to have been put together rather hastily in order to continue to ride on
the coattails of their "Un-Ledded" & NQ (which btw are just a rehash of the
Zeppelin thing twisted to fit into the fad/trend of other unplugged victims)..
but guess what. . .  it didn't cut it.. for me OK? I like SITL and Blue Train,
but when I start to listen to it and decompose it, I get frustrated
thinking...damn this could've been so much better. I was and still am
dissapointed with it considering who's talents it was to showcase as a
songwriting power duo. So much of it sounds to me like stuff Plant had laying
around that didn't make it to his other solo efforts....maybe that clock he gave
to Jimmy's head stunned him enough to become submissive to releasing sub-par
goods.   And this effort coming from a guy who's so uptight about his live vocal
performances he refuses to give in and release something we really want.

> All of this raises a question I'm curious to get opinions on: what is the
> greatest post-Zep album by any of the members?

> *       Zooma,
> *       Fate of Nations,
> *       Outrider,
> And what is the best Post-Zep song that any of these albums have produced?
> Best song:-


> (and folks, let's try discuss this without flaming different people's
> individual opinions on the matter!)

oh puh-lease except for me ok?