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Re: Faust's Gambit

Michael Gilson <mgilson@xxxxxxxxx> responded to the challenge:
>The answer is obvious. Go back to Page's house in Windsor late
>in the evening of September 24, 1980, stick around for 3 h 59
>min and make sure poor Bonzo doesn't shift in his sleep ... or
>maybe wake him up and make him throw up into a bucket (sorry
>for the graphic description). Then come back to the present.

You are correct, that is certainly the obvious answer but it is hardly the best answer. 
To begin with, your course of action is extremely foolish and wreckless. Though your 
intentions are noble, one must remember that even the road to hell is paved with good 
intentions. Consider the following forseeable outcomes:

1) Even if you managed to save Bonham on the night of 9/24/1980, by that time his drug 
abuse habit was just getting worse and he would probably wind up in similar straits 
again before long and meet the same fate.

2) In some ways Bonham's death served as a 'wake-up call' for Page to quit his own drug 
abuse habit before it killed him as well. Hence, if you managed to save Bonham on the 
night of 9/24/1980 then Page would not have received such a 'wake-up call' and he may 
well have continued his destructive behavior ending ultimately in his own untimely death.

3) Remember too that Bonham didn't even quit drinking after his long-time friend Keith 
Moon died. In the worst case scenario of forseeable outcomes, Page may well have died 
as explained above, followed shortly thereafter by Bonham. That would surely have been 
a sad state of affairs.

Therefore, I must conclude that you have chosen...unwisely. But at least you chose a 
course of action that's Led Zeppelin related because it shows that you truly belong 
here along with all the other freaks.

As for Thor Iverson and his predilection for sadomasochism, I can only wonder if he 
was abused as a child...

- -Standby-